[Typo3-dev] Why write to this list at all ? No response asusual ...

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2004 at typo3.com
Mon Jul 19 09:15:01 CEST 2004

Hi Jacob.

thanks for your mail.

> Hi Kasper - And while I have u - Thank you so much for your work.

You're welcome.

> Before this gets off topic - do u have some kind oif answer to my question ?
> Hint, tip or lead even ..?

I skipped in on purpose to be frank without reading it. Why? Because
like many others I come home from vacation and have 300 mails from the
list. I actually spend 2 hours in the train to traverse the mails to at
least follow what had happend. If I still had 300 mails this morning I
would just have deleted them.

This is probably the case for many others as well!

For me specifically; I have long ago come to a point where I ignore
issues discussed which are not currently on my todo list. It is simply
impossible for me to have an opinion on every change suggestion to every
little detail in TYPO3 - even if I created it in the first place. It's
like a computer; You have RAM and you have the scratch disk. Things on
the scratch disk takes time to load into RAM and before you do you have
to move something away from RAM. So, if you wanted me to dive into every
single issues raised here you would have the most inefficient use of my
capacity since I would have to jump "in and out" of issues all the time.
"Task switching" is expensive so I avoid it (to get as much time as
possible for dedicated TYPO3 development!) 

> This specific question is of general interest to the project of TYPO3 as it
> is a matter of getting some good frontenduser-editing done in a generic way.

Of course, most things are. Since I didn't read your posting I don't
know for sure if your mail is really groundbreaking but I doubt it is in
the greater perspective. Maybe frontend editing matters to you more than
to others?

> Besides I already bugfixed (easy one though) this extension once - so I
> should be holding some credits... :)

I think the PEAR guidelines mentions that a co-author or the like earns
his name into the scripts when the contribution is 10% or higher. For
small corrections we do not clutter the code with credits. If possible
we could list names in the top of the script. But this is not something
we should use tons of resources to remember to do. However I'm not
againts crediting people of course. It just has to be in proportions.

> No you are not systematically ignoring me, I am getting answers. But as u
> say, not to the questions that are a little more complex and need longer
> time to understand.
> Sometimes - if you know what I mean - it would even be nice to hear someone
> say, I am sorry, but I dont know. Not very constructive I know :) ... but at
> least u dont feel ignored.......

The rules of the list are; If you don't hear anything, people basically
mean "I'm sorry, but I don't know...". Don't think they don't read your
post! They do! Hundreds do.

If everyone wrote " sorry I don't know" soon more than half the mails on
the list would be "sorry, I don't know!". Not very constructive either.

> And u can count me in on a regular bonus per job with typo3 for you and all
> the other developers when I get some jobs done. I do not mind in any way
> paying.

Great. We are looking forward to that of course.

> Hopefully you notice me trying to help out here, on the english list and on
> the danish list as well to the extend I can (not so much a matter of time
> really - cause the project is good).


> Jacob from Denmark
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- kasper

Please notice NEW EMAIL ADDRESS for 2004!! (due to SPAM-contamination)
"kasper2004 at typo3.com"

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