[Typo3-dev] extending extensions

Martin Kutschker martin.t.kutschker at blackbox.net
Fri Jan 16 11:57:41 CET 2004

Hi Kasper and all of you,
> Anyways, this is my final words on this issue:
> - Extension to classes was meant as LOCAL changes

> - Extension to classes should NOT be used in extensions in long-term

I agree completely.

If quite a number of public extensions have to extend core classes than it is time to (small) changes in the core. Depending on what is need for the extensions - given that there is agreement the extensions are useful for a broad number of users.

Some classes are quite huge and incorporate many features. Of which same may have service character. In a few of theses cases it might be sufficient to split these classes up. It will resul in fewer clashes. But there is a better way.

I guess that many more of these issues can be resolved by creating hooks. A thorough investigation of what the core routines in question actually, what the extension are trying to do, should give clues for the proper actions.

Every hook should allow for more than one extension, ie we'll need an array. A way to determine the order in which the hook functions are called must be established. Ideally I envisage a system where the extension developer may give Typo3 "hints" for a correct ordering (ie before or after another extension, etc). But the site admin should have the last word on this.

This can of course only be done on a case by case basis.


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