[Typo3-dev] Hook API

Martin Kutschker Martin.T.Kutschker at blackbox.net
Tue Jan 27 18:54:28 CET 2004


YES, hooks are way to go!
Thanx Kasper.

I have one suggestion, though, regarding the naming of the config variable.

You suggest a mechanism which incorporates the file name (though no class or method name). Would it make sense to use a naming scheme that reflects the program (typo3 core) logic, ie what the hook is about, but doesn't use the name of the file? So in future versions the name of the hook will remain, but the file name may change. Plus it is easier to memorize the name of the hook.

The obvious advantage of the usage of file names is, that it is easy to ensure a unique name. But this can be achieved by a clever naming scheme as well.

BTW, does anyone feel that the extension authors (or site admins) need a way to control the actual ordering of the individual hooks (in case more than one extionsion uses it)?


PS: Don't forget to wrote a doc for the API (ie every single hook). Or get someone to do it... :-) 

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