[Typo3-dev] Speaking URIs

Martin Poelstra martin at beryllium.net
Fri Jan 16 09:42:59 CET 2004

Hi Boris,

> Man, this sounds great!!!!

That's what I thought! ;))

> what will be extension key be called so that I don't miss it?


> Why interpretate? if you have the pages "My Pägä ön level 3" -> why not in
> the URL www.domain.com/123/my-paegae-on-level-3/ where "123" is the page's
> id. this would make possible that the page is identified correctly, also if
> you have another page on the same level, under the same domain with the same
> name. and the dash - enables searchengines to see 5 diferent words.

Well, the id-thing was one of the big reasons for me to implement
RealURLs; I don't like that number in my URLs. So there are basically 3
possible solutions to the problem:
1. With the page-id still somewhere in the URL. That's much like
simulateStaticDocuments works right now, though that doesn't generate a
'full' path.
2. Without the pageid, and just replacing all 'strange' characters by
it's hexadecimal variant (%20 and the like). This is relatively easy to
translate back to an URL, but it's slow doesn't look too well.
3. Without the pageid, stripping the URL from the strange characters and
saving that result together with it's pageid.

Now, the 3rd solution is the one I choose. It's not that staightforward
to implement though. The version I'm currently working on is actually
the third one.

The only problem the extension will have is that it won't be able to
handle two pages of the same name on the same level+domain, like you
said. It is possible to include some code to automatically detect that
situation and append something like _2 to one of the URLs to distinguish
them. I don't need that functionality, but I might include it in a
future release. The only problem now is, that there should be a way to
disable the possibility to have two subpages of the same name in a page
in the backend, so that you get an error when you try to create such a
page (or rename it).


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