[Typo3-dev] scan code for hook

Martin T. Kutschker Martin.no5pam.Kutschker at blackbox.n0spam.net
Mon Aug 30 17:39:01 CEST 2004

Robert Lemke wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Martin T. Kutschker wrote:
>>Is there noh phpdoc feature to create custom tags like
>>@hook <hookname> <desc>
>>IMHO this is possible with Doxygen.
>>Another alternative would be to "register hooks" just for the purpose of
> I documented all hooks I implemented in TemplaVoila and sure that's a nice
> thing to have.

Thanx for doing so, but others might do it differently or not at all.

 > But on the other hand you have to be sure about what happens
> in that paticular part of TYPO3 anyways, otherwise you shouldn't use that
> hook.

Who said that "declaring a hook" does not include a proper documentation 
of its usage?

> In my opinion the most natural way is (like I said)
>   - reading the TYPO3 sources and find out where you need to change
> something
>   - find out if a hook already exists
>   - create a new one

Nah. I really prefer the formalized way. Either by some Typo3 doc 
convention or by phpdoc/doxygen syntax.

I really prefer the phpdoc way because you can generate docs 
automaticall, but you can still do the good ol' grepping.


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