[Typo3-dev] Database Relation fields and recursive/cascade delete of records?

Gregor Kaczmarczyk gregor at crazes.de
Fri Aug 20 14:12:31 CEST 2004


don´t know any possibilty in typo3, but if you use InnoDB in MySQL with 
foreign keys you can define the behaviour for child records when parent 
records will be touched.

in your case you could define to delete all child elements automatically if 
parent record was deleted.

ciao, gregor

Andy Fedotov wrote:
> Hi!
> I has two tables within my extention. One holds records for Items,
> and another holds records for Contaners.
> In TCA I has database relation between Items and Containers,
> that is Items can be placed into Containers.
> It is possible-whether to code automatic recursive/cascade deletion of
> related Items and Containers records, when I delete Container record
> from standard "List" module?
> I look at the code of t3lib_TCEmain::deleteRecord, and there is no
> any callbacks like "beforeDeleteRecord". Is it time to add this
> feature to TYPO3 core?
> And what is the "best practice" methods to solve this?
> Thanks!
> --
> see u.. af.

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