[Typo3-dev] Passing arbitrary values to an extension (not predefined by a selectorbox)

Ingmar Schlecht ingmars at web.de
Tue Aug 3 11:34:50 CEST 2004

Hi Rainer,

Rainer Kuhn wrote:
> Using a selectorbox via extending tt_content does not offer the 
> possibility to enter arbitrary strings. 

So why not just create a string input field instead of a selector box?
Do you know the Extension Kickstarter?

> The only way I know so far to 
> offer the user a possiblity to enter arbitrary strings and pass them to 
> an extension is the CODE field, which is deprecated AFAIK 
> (http://typo3.org/documentation/mailing-lists/user-list-archive/thread/29/?tx_maillisttofaq_pi1%5Bsort%5D=view_stat%3A1&tx_maillisttofaq_pi1%5Bmode%5D=5). 

It is deprecated for the purpose of selecting different "views" of 
extensions like LIST, SINGLE, ARCHIVE or stuff like that.
For your purpose the CODE field seems just fine.

> Is there any other possiblity to pass arbitrary values (which are not 
> predefined by a selectorbox) to an extension?

Yes, the way the newloginbox extension uses Flexform fields.


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