[Typo3-dev] Re: The future of Typo3

Robert Lemke rl at robertlemke.de
Mon Oct 27 08:30:58 CET 2003

On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 00:30, Michael Zedeler wrote:

> >Even if everyone is stored in the same table(s), it is easy to identify
> >certain standard roles.
> >
> >For example:
> >  - Main Administrators (those who will have access to everything)
> >  - Section/Department Administrators
> >  - Developers
> >  - Content Editors
> >  - Members
> >  - Anonymous
> >
> >New roles must be easy to create. It should also be possible to make one
> >role a member of another role.
> >
> This is the sort of stuff that I would be really happy to see in typo3.

We had that discussion about roles several times yet. 

Create a backend usergroup and name it "Editors". 
Create a backend usergroup, name it "Content Editors" and add a sub
group "Editors".
Create a backend user being member of "Content Editors".

That's nested roles, isn't it? 

I do say, however, that the user administration must be improved. But
not by inventing "roles".

Just a remark to the list above: How would you technically solve the
problem that Developers are not Main Administrators? 

Basically a developer has the right to create SQL queries so he can
easily make himself a administrator. Or he could just create an
extension overriding some functions in the backend.


"They placed me on this earth without a manual. 
 And i dare to say, i’m doing just fine without ;)"

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