[Typo3-dev] Minor Db security idea

"Kasper Skårhøj" kasper at typo3.com
Fri Oct 17 16:29:03 CEST 2003

This could already be done by a conditional statement in localconf.php:

if (TYPO3_MODE=="FE") {
  $typo3_user_name = 'blablabla';
} else {
  $typo3_user_name = 'blablabla_backend';

(or something like this)

God bless

- kasper

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On 14-10-2003 at 16:26 Martin Kutschker wrote:

>Just a little idea:
>Use two instead of one DB user. One would be used for FE users the other
>for BE users. The DB user for FE users should not have write access to all
>tables/columns, it shouldn't have read access to some tables and limited
>rights for Mysql admin tasks.
>Of course it's up to the site admin to set the rights, but the installer
>could check against the Db rights and issue warnings.
>Perhaps security is enhanced a bit. If it's not too difficult to, it may
>be worth a try.
>Typo3-dev mailing list
>Typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de

God bless

- kasper

- kasper
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