[Typo3-dev] re-engineering the form content type

dan frost dan at danfrost.co.uk
Tue Oct 14 17:38:35 CEST 2003

What you talk about is similar to what could be achieved by by OO 
version of TS and its datatypes. I am going to re-publish the idea in 
the "project" area of typo3.org asap.

The system allows any extension to add new content types with even less 
friction than at present. In short there is one "Content" object (i.e. 
class) from which all other content types extend and add functions. 
Also, using PHP5 interfaces you could have class which provided 
interfaces to the content object (e.g. isEditable; isDynamic...etc).

As much as I like the idea of Backward compatibility, I have to say that 
i've been won over by Kasper's idea of just doing something different 
from scratch. Otherwise the legacy-baggage is hellish.

Anyway, I like the idea - I'll post the revised RFC asap...


Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Hallo!
> The Form type is nice, but there is room for improvements.
> It'd be nice to have subtypes (like menus and plugins), so an extension could introduce a new form type. formtype_mail/_db will go and replaced by formtype=mail/db/... or something like this. Ok, ok, for the sake of backwards compatibility they can still be used to override the new typing *sigh*
> To make args a bit cleaner the form arguments could be "wrapped" in PI style, eg form[field]=value. Perhaps even distinguish "internal" args, eg form_int[html_enabled]=1.
> Does it make sense?
> Masi 

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