[Typo3-dev] CVS question, was t3lib_extMgm::addToTCAtypes ?

Peter Niederlag pn at kreativwert.de
Thu Oct 2 13:11:06 CEST 2003

Hi Kasper,

"Kasper Skårhøj" <kasper at typo3.com> schrieb :

> You are right, that is a point. But CVS will in my eyes not be a help
> when people contributing code (unless I get to like CVS a lot which
> I'm not really sure about).

Well, please give it a chance.
Since the devlopers are most liekly to always work on the latest
source(because it is no problem even to cron a 'cvs update' on a
developer machine) I believe it even helps the developers delivering
patches via email. afaik there is a possibility to include the
revision-tag in a patch, when using cvs. Well at least most liekly the
patches that are coming will be for the same version anyway, which under
optimal circumstances would be the latest("HEAD") tree in CVS.

> So CVS is a one-way think and as such - no problem.
> As for changes back to the core: As long as I have to apply them
> anyways I rather have them in my email box under the circumstances
> listed on

Yes, I have noticed that. No problem, still heading forwards to usage of
CVS is a strategic important change in my eyes.
Would it make sense to get some help on that via trying to find somebody
doing a CVS-Workshop for you/core-developers.
I noticed the announcement on typo3.org looking for "cvs-gurus" but
looks like it none volunteered yet.

I am even willing to sponsor that. If thats an option to you I would go
out and organize something about it.

Thx and all the best,
Peter Niederlag
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