[Typo3-dev] (no subject)

Martin Kutschker martin.t.kutschker at blackbox.net
Fri Nov 14 10:51:57 CET 2003

Hi Daniel!
> for our own purposes we have put together a news extension which
> comprises all the add-ons the good old tt_news has been featured with
> lately - plus some extra stuff. There is even a documentation for it in
> initial stages.
> My general question is: Should this extension be made public?

Yes - and no in the light of your following paragraph.

> Background: The repository is cluttered with competing extensions.
> Adding a new extension as a supplant for an existing bunch of
> extensions does only make sense, it this is somewhat connected with a
> appeal to change thinking about developing and publicising extensions.
> Meaning, that developers should be encouraged to try and incorporate
> improvements to extensions into the original classes rather than make
> extensions to these classes public.

I agree. But it depends whether the original authors are willing to accept code, accept this particular code and 
- of course (!) - if they have the time to incorporate patches.

Many of the good old stuff is Kasper's own code. He has perhaps not the time to work on old stuff. I have some enhancements myself ready that I would rather see to be incorporated than released as its own extension.

And I have also the feeling that we're currentyl get extensions for this and that. All becoming incompatible because they extend the same classes. So I hope that a) real enhancements get into the distributed extensions and b) the core adds something like "hooks" to key components (to avoid the class extension clash).


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