[Typo3-dev] Defining rights to access the extension manager...

Martin-Pierre Frenette typo3 at frenette.qc.ca
Tue Jul 1 14:21:00 CEST 2003

BTW Kasper ( and others... ), do you think such a modification
would be useful to ALL Typo3 users ?

I could simply modify the source code and give it to you for
inclusion in the next version of Typo3.

I would basically add sets of rights for the Templates, just at
you can define rights for the other fields...

Martin-Pierre Frenette wrote:
> I want to allow my users who do NOT have admin access
> to edit some panels of the Constant Editor ( or all, if it is
> too complex to do eachpanel ), the resource editor,
> the include template field.
> In other words, I don't want them to access the constant field
> other than thru the constant editor,
> and I don't want them to access the template setup field at all.
> How can I write an extension to do that ?
> I have a basic idea on how to rewrite the Typo3 source code,
> but I would rather have it as an extension...
> Martin-Pierre Frenette
> Typehead for Canada
> Cablan.net

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