[Typo3-dev] Smarty integration

Martin Kutschker martin.t.kutschker at blackbox.net
Tue Dec 9 10:56:03 CET 2003

Hi Bart!

I played with that idea myself, but didn't get anywhere. TS has so many options, you would have to rewrite them all in Smarty.

Sill I think Ingmar is right, have a look at Dan's ObTS. See what he is up to. Perhaps you do some code (eg dericed classes) based on his work. Or maybe you could work together in some way.

A master template for the site (like eg in XOOPS) could be easier to start with. But there again you will have to deal with TS again. BTW, I would do this by replacing index_ts.php with new code (that only borrows from the old).

Ingmar, where can I find infos on the new template development?

Thomas, I agree it would sometimes easier if Typo3 used "standard" libraries (or at leat ones that can easily be shipped with Typo3) than being self sufficient. Especially in the case of DB abstraction there are many working examples (also GPLd) that do work. No need to write a new one. "Just" get it into Typo3.


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