[Typo3-debian] Up to date Debian packages available

Christian Leutloff leutloff at debian.org
Mon May 9 12:22:04 CEST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hi Michael,

Michael Stucki schrieb:

>>>Generally, I still dislike some of the conceptions. You provide the
>>>packages typo3-quickstart, typo3-testsite and typo3-dummy. But this way
>>>they can only be installed once.
>>Is the intended usage of these packages to be installed more than
>>once?  I myself can't think of a situation where I would like to
>>install multiple instances of the above packages.
> Sure I can! All my sites are based on the dummy site. That's why I suggested
> to have them installed as templates but not as instances and use the
> site-installer to set them up.

I'm now working on the template mechanism.

> But anyway, yes I have multiple instances of the quickstart site running and
> I'm pretty sure that web hosters might want to do the same.

>>>BTW, Ingmar and I discussed the sites philosophy in Kitzbühel. We're
>>>thinking about removing the testsite and the quickstart package but
>>>providing them as T3D files (TYPO3 site exports). So then everything will
>>>be based on the dummysite which is already part of the site-installer in
>>>your case...
>>I like the idea to use T3D files to install quickstart and testsite.
>> What must be done to install a T3D file into TYPO3 without TYPO3
>>being executed? I've searched typo3.org and nothing found. The next
>>step would be to look into the code.

> This feature is very new and I'm still testing if it is stable enough for
> replacing the current packages.
> Anyway, I don't think that this can be automated because if you ever tried
> to import a site you will see that there might be a need for some users
> input.
> After all, I don't think this must be automated.
>>The site-installer at the moment lacks many of required features 8-(
>>- - create an adopted apache.conf
>>- - build the complete site (copy from archive, create symlinks)
> We once started to use CVS for letting other developers contribute - if you
> are fine with that then we could let them participate to work on the
> site-installer.

yes, of course, that's fine for me.  I sync my changes regularly
with the CVS.  Please drop me a note, if you would like to help. In
the next (three) days the most helpful would be testing and
commenting on the ideas.

I'll post the TODO file from the site-installer in a separate message.

>>Therefor I would like to go with the existing install once packages
>>and get them accepted into Debian. Then go on working towards the
>>T3D based packages that may be installed multiple times on the same
>>machine. Do you agree?
> As explained, I dislike the way how the site-installer and the site packages
> are interacting. But this is totally up to you since you are doing the job
> and you seem to be certain about your reasons.

And I'm now working the direction you propose ...

>>>Please mention in the docs that there is a Debian repository which
>>>provides eaccelerator and graphicsmagick packages for Sarge:
>>>deb http://typo3.sunsite.dk/software/debian/ sarge all
>>>deb-src http://typo3.sunsite.dk/software/debian/ sarge all
>>>(There's also a Woody repository which additionally contains GD and
>>>ImageMagick with LZW, etc. But I didn't work on that one for quite some
>>>time - don't know if it's still working...)
>>done. But, why aren't these packages part of Debian? Should we move
>>them to Debian main, too?
> Thanks! They are not part of Debian because I am too lazy to spend time for
> that. GraphicsMagick has been packaged by Sven Wilhelm who is also reading
> this list and who is a DD as well as you I think.

I've not found Sven Wilhelm on the peoples page
(http://www.debian.org/devel/people), but I've writen a personal
email to offer help to get the package into Debian (with him as the

> If nobody is working on eaccelerator packages (very recommendable
> software!!) then you are free to adopt them from me.

I would be glad if someone would became the Debian maintainer of the
eaccelerator package.  I'm willing to support the new maintainer

> However since these packages will neither flow into Woody nor Sarge, I will
> keep the repository to provide backports for them...


>>>The path /var/lib/typo3/latest was my idea but I don't recommend it
>>>anymore. If you upgrade TYPO3 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 and the latest symlink would
>>>be changed, the site would be broken unless someone manually upgrades the
>>>database in the Install Tool. So I rather think the "feature" is
>>>dangerous than helpful. Can you please drop that?
>>It's a bit difficult to drop. I use this link in many places as the
>>default to the typo3_src directory. It is only set during the first
>>installation of typo3-src. The link will NOT be changed automaticly.
> Still it might be hard to upgrade such a server:
> Once you upgrade the "latest" link (manually if not automatically) then you
> will have to upgrade _all_ your sites which use this link in about 1 minute
> if you don't want to shut them down just for upgrading TYPO3.
> My suggestion is to look up for the latest version in /var/lib/typo3/ by
> name and use this installation as the default.

I will use this mechanism for the site installation via the site

>>>- What is the idea of using the "execdir"? I see no need for this...
>>only the binaries located in this directory may be used from PHP.
>>This is one of the security features of safe mode.
> Ah, I already thought so.
> Is it really needed to have symlinks for all binaries in _every_ site
> installation?

no, it's not needed. But I think that this is as modular as you
suggested for configuration and will be handled trough the
site-installer in the future.

> What about an additional packages which adds those symlinks centralized
> in /usr/bin/safe/ or so?

TYPO3 already uses /usr/local/php/bin in addition to the ones
provided by me ...


- --
Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany
leutloff at debian.org - http://www.oche.de/~leutloff/
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