[Typo3-debian] Integration of Typo3-Packages into the Debian main archive

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Nov 17 11:57:12 CET 2004

Hi Christian,

>>> - typo3-src-backend-3.6, typo3-src-backend-3.7, etc. Backend-Sources of
>>> Typo3
>> No, don't make separate packages for backend and frontend, one package
>> containing both is enough.
> The separation is suggested in the German TYPO3 book. Anybody who doesn't
> need the separation can install both packages. The other way (installing
> only half of a package) is not possible.

Well, in theory this might be possible, yes. But practically, this is more
difficult than simply removing one directory.

The "indexed_search" and the "tt_board" extensions are placed inside of
typo3/ext/. Now if you were using one of these extensions, then you will
have to first copy it into typo3conf/ext/ because typo3/ext/ is not
available anymore!

Since this method is not recommendable (harder to upgrade) I ask you to get
rid of this idea but instead adding some lines on top of typo3/index.php:

--- cut ---

if(!$siteConf['enable_backend']) die('Backend use has been disabled!');
--- cut ---

Then, the file /etc/typo3/site_mywwwdomain.inc would look like this:

--- cut ---
$siteConf = array(
  'site_name' => 'My TYPO3 site', // Name of the site
  'enable_backend' => true, // If false, then the BE is disabled
  '...' => 'any other option', // etc.
--- cut ---

>> No, I don't think dummy, quickstart and testsite should be delivered in
>> separate packages.
>> They can only serve for an initial installation, upgrading is not
>> possible anyway.
> Right. The packages are only providing the database file. These files
> *are* upgradeable and ease the update process (as I understand so far).
> These SQL-Files can be used to install/upgrade through the TYPO3 tools (or
> the typo3-site-installer).

Well then we should decide now if the site-installer is going to become a
Unix-wide application or if it will be useful for Debian only. In this
case, it should not depend on any site packages!

Also it's not easy to upgrade databases using a shell script. This needs
user interaction, conflict management, etc.
Have a look at the TYPO3 install tool => Database settings => Compare.

If the site-installer can initialise a new site, this is perfect already!
Further site upgrades have to be made _inside_ of TYPO3.

>> That's why I opt for including all the packages into the
>> typo3-site-installer, so you get the choice to install dummy,
>> quickstart, or testsite.
> I think that the Debian way is to respect the upstream packaging. Therefor
> I will provide three separate packages.

See above, I disagree.

>> The package name of tt_news could look like:
>>   typo3-tt_news-3.6
>> It would then be installed in:
>>   /var/lib/typo3/typo3_src-3.6/typo3/ext/tt_news
> sounds very good.

Please, not!!!
What sense does it make to fetch extensions using apt-get? Why should we
clone the internal TYPO3 package manager with a separate, Debian specific
one which will never be as recent as the TYPO3 extension repository?

Since you still have to visit the extension manager to install/upgrade an
extension, there's no win with this - it's just a lot of work and it will
make TYPO3 on Debian somewhat special compared to other systems.

>>> - typo3 - virtual package provided for an easy start with typo3 -
>>> depends on last typo3-src version plus quickstart database
>> I'd rather say the virtual package should depend on last typo3_src plus
>> typo3-site-installer


"typo3" should have no functinality except that it depends on everything
just like my "typo3-env" did in the past.

> Here I'm disagreeing.
> I think of two types of Debian users:
> single system: use typo3 to install everything needed
> multiple server system: separate server for FE/BE usage, db server for
> fail over, load balancing etc.
> I'm installing our servers using FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) from
> Thomas Lange, http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai. Therefore I need
> everything in packages and installed correctly without manual interaction.

I see no sense to install a site automatically!

Does it make any sense to install your MP3 collection using your package
manager? I think not. But I think it's pretty much the same here...

> Both types of users are able to use the packages in the proposed layout.
> Do you agree?

With Ingmars, suggestion, yes.

Sorry for being so contradictory. We should probably make some decisions
before starting to code...

- michael
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