[Typo3-debian] For me an important question about PHP version(s) and Woody Stable

Jordan van Bergen jordanvanbergen at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 14 19:51:47 CEST 2004

Hi Michael,

> Personally I will wait with all of my production servers until Sarge is
> officially declared to be stable. I know that it works great already 
> (since
> I'm using it on this laptop) but I prefer the method of "never touching a
> running system". The system is still running great (even with new
> extensions, latest TYPO3) and there is no urge to change this for the
> moment.
> Anyway, it's your choice!

I think the same. I stay with stable as long as everything is working as I 
want it to be. I love to test with new TYPO3 extensions and for the first 
time I got a strange error (PHP headers already sent) when trying to install 
the latest tt_news extension. It's still working though but I thought it 
might happen because of the php version I have. Is it okay for me to put 
such a question about a problem concerning a certain extension and the 
stable php version? I will test the extension first on a stable version and 
secondly on a sarge version. If I don't get problems/errors on Sarge but I 
do get errors on Stable is it okay to put such an error in this newsgroup or 
is it better to put this somewhere else?

I'm not a linux guru as you probably know by now but with your simple but 
straight to the point explanations I'm able to get a lot of things working. 
So I would love to discuss about these stable/unstable/testing things as I 
need some help as soon as "we all" need to go to unstable/testing php as 
soon as some extensions won't work any longer with the stable php version.

> PS: Another pro for Woody is that I have no plans to create the GD 
> packages
> for Sarge as well... ;-)
> Anyway, it should be no problem for you to recompile them.

With the earlier explanation and GraphicsMagick I was able to get this 
working on a sarge distribution so I think I should be able to get this 
working indeed......

But what about this:

I always use the standard apt-get update / apt-get dist-upgrade to keep the 
system up-to-date. Is the following possible as somebody explained to me 
it's possible to have unstable PHP/APACHE on a stable woody distribution. I 
tested it and it works but I'm not sure if the below explanation is going to 
kill dependencies and will the apt-get update / apt-get dist-upgrade still 
work as it should when doing this "dirty trick":

Create an apt.conf file in /etc/apt and add:

APT::Default-Release "stable";
APT::Cache-Limit 16777216;

Change the sources.list file in /etc/apt and add:

deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free

get unstable packages:

apt-get install <package> -t unstable
Now you should be able to install unstable php / apache versions on a stable 
woody distribution. I tested this and this is working but as I explained I 
don't know what this is going to do to dependencies and if the apt-get 
update / apt-get dist-upgrade will still be working as it should be.

Anyone comments on the above trick and answers if this is going to kill 
dependencies and the apt-get dist-upgrade proces?


Jordan van Bergen
jordanvanbergen at hotmail.com

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