[Typo3-debian] typo3 on woody, manual install

Peter Holm pholm at gmx.net
Tue May 20 15:27:09 CEST 2003


first thank you for your fast reactions!!!

>I find the easiest way to set up TYPO3 on a clean woody is the following:
>Do not install: Apache, php, freetype, imagemagick, libjpeg etc. etc.

??? As typo is not the only thing running on my server, apache, mysql,
php etc is already there and i would never break apt-get just for one
cms. i do not have a problem with apache or mysql, also gd image
creatio9n works fine, as I tested with other packages (jpgraph is

>That should do it, I have never been able to get .ai-files to work, so if
>anyone nows how to do that on debian? I guess I need to install other
>packages prior to running the LAMP installer. (ie. gs gives PDF support)

gs is installed on my system. ok, so it seems to be a common problem
with typo3 pdf + ai support not running on debian? The "read PDF" and
"read AI" tests fail on my system, no matter what I do. 

Today I took a closer look on that issue (last night I was too tired
to do it, sorry...) and I think it is not a debian problem, I t rather
seems to me that the results of identifiy are 

I tested the dumped ImageMagick commands:

(I am in /quickstart/typo3/ext/install/imgs)

woody: identify pdf_from_imagemagick.pdf
pdf_from_imagemagick.pdf PDF 595x842 DirectClass 8-bit 1467kb 0.1u

that seems ok.

next one:

convert -geometry 170x241! -colorspace RGB -quality 60 \
...longpath/pdf_from_imagemagick.pdf[0] install_read_pdf.jpg
Eh? What´s this? the [0] seems suspicios, but anyway, I tryid this on
the commandline with or without [0] and it gives no results, nothing.

Also the ai-read test fails with:

   RETURNED: Error: /undefined in --get--

this all just seems like the calls to convert and identify are
performed in a wrong way, maybe related to some older ImageMagick

Could somebody opoint me to the sources, where these calls are
handled? I poked around a little bit in the typo source bit could not
find it immediatly and a grep for "convert" brings too many matches...
I hope kaspar did build a clean api to imagemagick-functions, so it
would be just a little work to correct them to the never versions...

I will investigate this, as time permits, but I am low on time.... so
please be patient...

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