[TYPO3-UG Oesterreich] Typo3 - Templating

Thomas Stermole | Attention Getter info at attention-getter.at
Sat Jan 7 12:30:06 CET 2006



Ich bin neu hier und stehe schon vor einem riesigen Problem:


Ich habe eine Template aus DIVs gebaut und möchte es in Typo3 einbinden.

Leider ohne Erfolg
 Ich sehe zwar den Header-Bereich aber Contentbereich
bleibt leer

Alle Tutorials habe ich schon versucht und nichts funktioniert!


Typo3 Version 3.6 und 3.8.1 habe ich laufen inkl. automaketemplate und


Danke für eure Hilfe!


Hier die HTML-Vorlage:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/basic.css"
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class="inputfield-pass" value="passwrd"></input>
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Typoscript nach Tutorial:
# automaketemplate
# Configuring the Auto-Parser:
# main code took from MTB/1
plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1 {
  # Read the template file:
  content = FILE
  # the file contain its own css related stylesheet, but css_styled_content
doesn't ouput the same
  # class names. See: PAGE object configuration at the end.
  content.file = fileadmin/template/index.html
  # Here we define which elements in the HTML that 
  # should be wrapped in subpart-comments:
  elements {
    BODY.all = 1
    BODY.all.subpartMarker = DOCUMENT_BODY
    HEAD.all = 1
    HEAD.all.subpartMarker = DOCUMENT_HEADER
    HEAD.rmTagSections = title
    DIV.all = 1
  # Prefix all relative paths with this value:
  relPathPrefix = fileadmin/template/
# Main TEMPLATE cObject for the BODY
temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.mainTemplate {
  # Feeding the content from the Auto-parser to the TEMPLATE cObject:
  template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
  # Select only the content between the <body>-tags
  workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_BODY
  # Substitute the ###menu_1### subpart with some example content:
  subparts.navigation < temp.menu_1
  # Substitute the ###content### subpart with the real content extracted by
  subparts.content < styles.content.get
# Main TEMPLATE cObject for the HEAD
temp.headTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.headTemplate {
  # Feeding the content from the Auto-parser to the TEMPLATE cObject:
  template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
  # Select only the content between the <head>-tags
  workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_HEADER
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.typeNum = 0
# TypoScript from
page.stylesheet = fileadmin/template/css/basic.css
# Copying the content from TEMPLATE for <body>-section:
page.10 < temp.mainTemplate
# Copying the content from TEMPLATE for <head>-section:
page.headerData.10  < temp.headTemplate


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