[Typo3-UG Oesterreich] update 3.6

Kurt Dirnbauer | Web:Consulting dirnbauer at web-consulting.at
Sun Mar 28 15:38:11 CEST 2004

hi leute,

von typo3.org - homepage,
siehe ganz unten:

- es dauert noch.
- nicht schlecht, wenn es dann wirklich die
  besprochenen dinger gibt:
  . dbal - zumindest die vorbereitungen dafuer sind dann fertig.
    --> kann man diskutieren, andrerseits, je spaeter das kommt,
        umso schwieriger wirds zu implementieren.
  . api fuer rte: 
    --> gut so! dann brauchts wirklich kein windows mehr. :-)

- neueste release fuer die tarball-menschen:
  wie immer unter:

- feedback an die dev-list.
  diskussion unter:

sonst was technologisch neues?
masi, wolfgang?



Update on 3.6.0 / part 3
Development of 3.6.0 is going well now, the first steps for DBAL has
been taken, CVS has been updated again and an API for Rich Text Editors
has been created which means that Mozilla browsers can use formatted
editing of content - I wonder if my motivation for this changed after I
switched to Debian on my laptop... 

If you are interested in the progress of the 3.6.0 release please follow
the dev-list. It doesn't make sense to promise release dates since in
any case it wouldn't be acceptable to release anything before the 3.6.0
ToDo list is empty. But currently we are talking about end of April with
an RC2 and RC3 in between. 

- kasper

DI (FH) Kurt Dirnbauer
Sätzgasse 5, A-7210 Mattersburg
Tel: +43-699-11346402
mailto:dirnbauer at web-consulting.at

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