[Tycon3] blurry video quality

Michael Perkhofer perki at bau3.uibk.ac.at
Tue Sep 20 14:43:50 CEST 2005

Michael Stucki wrote:
> Rainer Kuhn wrote:
>>the video sources have better quality, but it's about 1,5 GB size in
>>total. If you want to provide a download server with the appropriate
>>bandwidth and/or if you are willing to experiment with converting the
>>original sources to a video format with better quality/size ratio feel
>>free to tell me, I could get you in contact with the producers.
> Maybe someone could organize to sell this as a DVD?
> - michael


The Videos are really in a VERY bad shape. They even cost a lot of 
bandwith, beacuse they are too large compared to the resulting quality. 
The deinterlacing is also not present or done in a wrong way.

I think IF the videos are offered for the public, they should be in a 
good shape - now they look like Al Quaida videos..
We have a nice new logo and wonderful Typo3 brand and videos like that...

Soo - if there is interest in that point, I would be happy to help. As 
some of you might remember, I have done some Typo3 video stuff before 
(encoding of the tutorial videos on typo3.org and mastered/encoded some 
of the Kasper/Robert videos taken on the Kitzbühel snowboard tour).


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