[Tycon3] Description of TYCon3 on typo3.org

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Mon Jan 10 15:06:58 CET 2005

* Robert Lemke <robert at typo3.org> [050109 17:05]:
> (OT: It was really nice meeting you on the T3BOARD05, great work!)
Jepp, for me as well. I hope it makes E-Mail communication easier.

> I just started with restructuring typo3.org and would like you to ask if we
> could put the information from typo3.punkt.de/tycon3.html to some page on
> typo3.org?

Definitely. At the moment we do not have much more
than a date, and hopefully soon a call for papers.
I wrote to the marketing list, that I need some layout
for the webpage and for a logo/banner.
The TYCon3 Website itself should be on a server, where
we have root access on, we at punkt.de would sponsor this.

> Maybe we (ie. someone with writing capabilities?) could create some
> preliminary text for typo3.org explaining what it is all about how to
> contribute suggestions etc. - someone?

Anything is fine with me. I just cut down the pages as I
saw this morning that you linked to the page. But this page
was meant to be internally only! (OK, no password, but not
for the public, as all money things where to be discussed.)

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