[Tycon3] Tutorials in german?!?

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Thu Apr 14 09:13:36 CEST 2005

Hello together,
yesterday a question popped up, if there is a chance to hold
a tutorial in german. Let me explain what a tutorial is:
A totorial (or workshop) is a longer session on the day *before*
the conference. It usually would be a bigger task like
1.) implementing templa voila in your typo3
2.) admin tipps and tricks
etc. pp.
Attendees will bring their own laptos and will work with the
tutor. Tutorials are either half a day or a full day.

What is against having a german tutorial is the fact, that the
TYCON3 is an english confernce.
If I would be picky I would say: OK, tutorial is *before* the conference
and *not* included in the conference fee, has to be paid extra, so
it is *not* the TYCON3 conference.
What is *pro* having the tutorial in german: I think we would get
one or two interesting ones, that are also interesting for german 
speaking people, ...

As I have no clear view on this, and cannot estimate the impact
of the maybe "germanisation" that this could have, I want to
ask here, to get some views.

have fun
P.S.: 16 days left to register as a speaker:
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