[Tycon3] 8.9.2005 - 11.9.2005 final call for this date

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Tue Dec 28 09:47:55 CET 2004

due to some other people with faster decisions our dates where taken,...
Here is what I got as a alternative
8.9.2005 - 11.9.2005 which is thursday till Saturday. I kept the
thursday optional till we know if we have enough tracks.

The disadvantage I found is that it is holiday season in Baden Württergemberg
and bavaria (part of germany), its the last week from the big holidays.

To me this is not that importand, if we could deliver the date *early* to the

Does anybody know of anything else that could come into this way like
1.) Other big holidays in other european countries?
2.) other conferences I did not find?

Please try to answer till 31st so that I could save this date with the hotel.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jürgen Egeling
punkt.de GmbH               Internet-Dienstleistungen-Beratung
Vorholzstr. 25              Tel.: 0721 9109-0  Fax: -100 
76137 Karlsruhe             info at punkt.de    http://punkt.de/

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