[TYPO3-t3dd] T3DD09 Coding-Night

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Fri Nov 7 19:36:46 CET 2008

Dmitry Dulepov wrote:

 > [...]
> year ago about wrapping text?". It is a pleasure to work for TYPO3
> but it is never a pleasure to be a TYPO3 celebrity. Sometimes I
> understand how Kasper feels being well-known to everyone.

Hi !

I would like to add my experience concerning this regards. Altough I am quite
not far as popular as Kasper or as Robert, who also answered to this post, I
made the experience that most of the people, which do not work in any kind of
media agency or other web related companies, do not even know of TYPO3. Some
have heard it, but just noticed "Ah ... another piece of open source software".

Big parts of the website of the university of Vienna are made using TYPO3, but
most of the students I meet and get to talk about their and my work, do not
know TYPO3. Altough they visit the uni-website quite often. But this is probably
because I do not study information technologies but rather a natural sciences
direction (Biology / Molecular biology) ...

And I have to note that something like a "hype" for famous people also exists
at universities. But in a quite different way than in the software or music
field. Ok. Some of the very good professors at university are well known, not
really "stars" - but if you ask another biologist "do you know prof xy" ...
you probably get something like "a yes. the one who always talked about birds
at the mediterran coast of spain  ..." or something like that ...

And it may sound quite strange to you. But for 6 months this year (from April
till September) I worked as a "simple" desk clerk at a home improvement store
(Hornbach ;) - just for 11 hours a week - but just to get away from this damn
computer, and see the world from a little different eyes.

And noone pointed at me: Look. This is one of the TYPO3 core devs.

But even it was just a "simple" job, anyone without much education could do,
I gave more autograms (or signatures at least) than in any other time of my
life *smile* ... I had to sign rent contracts for machines which people
rented there.

So it could be a good thing to put down a little bit of your TYPO3 enthusiasm,
and take a part time job at some completly different direction, or just travel
around a little bit, and get a little bit of the tought "everyone knows me" ...
at least in the non-TYPO3 world we are just as usual as anyone else.

Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des Andersdenkenden.
Rosa Luxemburg, 1871-1919

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