[TYPO3-UG Italy] (no subject)

Nicola nicola.brescia at vodafone.it
Sat Apr 21 16:12:49 CEST 2007

Ciao a tutti!. Sto cercando di configurare templavoila
l’ho installato non
riesco a completare il passo 1The first step is to select the HTML file you
want to base the new website design on. Below you see a list of HTML files
found in the folder "fileadmin/templates/". Click the "Preview"-link to see
what the file looks like and when the right template is found, just click
the "Choose as template"-link in order to proceed.
If the list of files is empty you must now copy the HTML file you want to
use as a template into the template folder. When you have done that, press
the refresh button to refresh the list. 

Ho già caricato nel file fileadmin/templates/index.html che contiene il
template che vorrei fosse visualizzato.

Chi mi aiuta?...grazie

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