[TYPO3-UG Dutch] RealUrl probleem: het werkt alleen visueel
Koen de Rooij
brilliekoen at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 4 12:50:52 CET 2008
Ik weet nu dat mijn AllowOverride op None staat.
Dit is natuurlijk waarom het geheel niet werkt...
Is er nog enige mogelijkheid om RealUrl werkend
te krijgen bij deze provider?
From: "Jos Schipper [Netcreators]" <jos at netcreators.com>
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 4:53 PM
Newsgroups: typo3.ug.dutch
To: <typo3-ug-dutch at lists.netfielders.de>
Subject: Re: [TYPO3-UG Dutch] RealUrl probleem: het werkt alleen visueel
> Hallo Koen,
> Toevallig helpt onze Yvonne me hier aan herinneren.
> Zet deze regels eens helemaal onderin je realurl file
> $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl'] = array(
> '_DEFAULT' => $realurl_template,
> 'typo.multiwebdesign.nl' => $realurl_template,
> );
> $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl']['typo.multiwebdesign.nl']['pagePath']['rootpage_id']
> = 1;
> unset($realurl_template);
> ?>
> Groeten,
> Jos
> Koen de Rooij schreef:
>> 1) zeker geinstalleerd
>> 2) .htaccess inderdaad
>> 3) is inderdaad zo
>> 4) ja via .htaccess
>> 5) geen idee, aangezien ik via ruimte op MijnDomein.nl werk. Mss dat
>> dit het kan zijn?
>> 6) Volgens mij staat het goed:
>>>> SETUP
>>>> ====
>>>> config.simulateStaticDocuments = 0
>>>> config.baseURL = http://typo.multiwebdesign.nl/
>>>> config.tx_realurl_enable = 1
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Jos Schipper [Netcreators]" <jos at netcreators.com>
>> Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 12:11 PM
>> Newsgroups: typo3.ug.dutch
>> To: <typo3-ug-dutch at lists.netfielders.de>
>> Subject: Re: [TYPO3-UG Dutch] RealUrl probleem: het werkt alleen visueel
>>> Hallo Koen,
>>> Nog even een aantal stappen.
>>> Kun je kijken of je alles gedaan hebt
>>> 1) RealURL installeren
>>> 2) _.htaccess renamen naar .htaccess
>>> 3) Zet alle code van realurl in een realurl.php. Include deze in je
>>> localconf.php (is wat makkelijker werken)
>>> 4) RewriteEngine staat aan?
>>> 5) AllowOverride staat op All in je apache conf
>>> 6) TS staat goed
>>> De "index pagina " staat ook ingesteld als 404/error pagina. Vandaar dat
>>> je geen duidelijke errors te zien krijgt
>>> En nog een kleine ps.. Het is TYPO3 ipv Typo 3 of Typo :)
>>> Groeten,
>>> Jos
>>> Koen de Rooij schreef:
>>>> Testsite is: http://typo.multiwebdesign.nl
>>>> =======
>>>> Standaard _.htaccess in Typo 4.1
>>>> SETUP
>>>> ====
>>>> config.simulateStaticDocuments = 0
>>>> config.baseURL = http://typo.multiwebdesign.nl/
>>>> config.tx_realurl_enable = 1
>>>> LOCALCONF.PHP (standaard van news.typo3.org)
>>>> ===========
>>>> $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl'] = array (
>>>> '_DEFAULT' => array (
>>>> 'init' => array (
>>>> 'enableCHashCache' => '1',
>>>> 'appendMissingSlash' => 'ifNotFile',
>>>> 'enableUrlDecodeCache' => '1',
>>>> 'enableUrlEncodeCache' => '1',
>>>> ),
>>>> 'redirects' => array (
>>>> ),
>>>> 'preVars' => array (
>>>> '0' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'no_cache',
>>>> 'valueMap' => array (
>>>> 'nc' => '1',
>>>> ),
>>>> 'noMatch' => 'bypass'
>>>> ),
>>>> '1' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'L',
>>>> 'valueMap' => array (
>>>> 'de' => '0',
>>>> 'en' => '1',
>>>> ),
>>>> 'noMatch' => 'bypass',
>>>> ),
>>>> '2' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'lang',
>>>> 'valueMap' => array (
>>>> 'de' => 'de',
>>>> 'en' => 'en',
>>>> ),
>>>> 'noMatch' => 'bypass',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'pagePath' => array (
>>>> 'type' => 'user',
>>>> 'userFunc' =>
>>>> 'EXT:realurl/class.tx_realurl_advanced.php:&tx_realurl_advanced->main',
>>>> 'spaceCharacter' => '-',
>>>> 'languageGetVar' => 'L',
>>>> 'expireDays' => '7',
>>>> 'rootpage_id' => '1',
>>>> ),
>>>> 'fixedPostVars' => array (
>>>> ),
>>>> 'postVarSets' => array (
>>>> '_DEFAULT' => array (
>>>> 'archive' => array (
>>>> '0' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[year]',
>>>> ),
>>>> '1' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[month]',
>>>> 'valueMap' => array (
>>>> 'january' => '01',
>>>> 'february' => '02',
>>>> 'march' => '03',
>>>> 'april' => '04',
>>>> 'may' => '05',
>>>> 'june' => '06',
>>>> 'july' => '07',
>>>> 'august' => '08',
>>>> 'september' => '09',
>>>> 'october' => '10',
>>>> 'november' => '11',
>>>> 'december' => '12',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'browse' => array (
>>>> '0' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[pointer]',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'select_category' => array (
>>>> '0' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[cat]',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'article' => array (
>>>> '0' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[tt_news]',
>>>> 'lookUpTable' => array (
>>>> 'table' => 'tt_news',
>>>> 'id_field' => 'uid',
>>>> 'alias_field' => 'title',
>>>> 'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted',
>>>> 'useUniqueCache' => '1',
>>>> 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array (
>>>> 'strtolower' => '1',
>>>> 'spaceCharacter' => '-',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> '1' => array (
>>>> 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[swords]',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'fileName' => array (
>>>> //
>>>> // if you don't want .html-URLs set the following to "false" (e.g.
>>>> 'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => false,)
>>>> // then you get http://www.yourdomain.com/imprint/ instead of
>>>> http://www.yourdomain.com/imprint.html
>>>> //
>>>> 'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => false,
>>>> 'index' => array (
>>>> 'rss.xml' => array (
>>>> 'keyValues' => array (
>>>> 'type' => '100',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'rss091.xml' => array (
>>>> 'keyValues' => array (
>>>> 'type' => '101',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'rdf.xml' => array (
>>>> 'keyValues' => array (
>>>> 'type' => '102',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> 'atom.xml' => array (
>>>> 'keyValues' => array (
>>>> 'type' => '103',
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> ),
>>>> );
>>> --
>>> Met vriendelijke groet,
>>> Jos Schipper
>>> TYPO3 Consultant
>>> e: jos at netcreators.com
>>> t: 026-442 4238
>>> i: www.netcreators.com
>>> Interesse in werken bij Netcreators?
>>> http://www.netcreators.com/bedrijf/vacatures/
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> TYPO3-UG-dutch mailing list
>>> TYPO3-UG-dutch at lists.netfielders.de
>>> http://lists.netfielders.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-ug-dutch
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Jos Schipper
> TYPO3 Consultant
> e: jos at netcreators.com
> t: 026-442 4238
> i: www.netcreators.com
> Interesse in werken bij Netcreators?
> http://www.netcreators.com/bedrijf/vacatures/
> _______________________________________________
> TYPO3-UG-dutch mailing list
> TYPO3-UG-dutch at lists.netfielders.de
> http://lists.netfielders.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-ug-dutch
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