[TYPO3-UG Dutch] foldout menu probleem

Roelof Wobben rwobben at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 12 15:16:57 CET 2007


Ik probeer al een paar dagen deze extensie aan de praat te krijgen.
Ik gebruik daarbij deze setup voor het menu :

// --- CONSTANTS start -----------------------

lib.zmenu {

  imgFolder = typo3conf/ext/foldoutmenu/examples/vertical/images/

  collapseImg = arrow_right.gif

  expandImg = arrow_down.gif


// --- CONSTANTS end -------------------------

// --- SETUP start ---------------------------

includeLibs.foldoutmenu = typo3conf/ext/foldoutmenu/foldoutmenu.php

lib.zmenu = COA

lib.zmenu {

  10 = HMENU

  10.wrap = <div id="menuz"><ul>|</ul></div>

  10.entryLevel = 1

  10.1 = TMENU

  10.1 {

    expAll = 1

    itemArrayProcFunc = user_foldoutMenu->getIfSubUidList

    NO {

      stdWrap.cObject = COA

      stdWrap.cObject {

        10 = CLEARGIF


        10.wrap = |

        20 = TEXT

        20.field = title


      ATagParams = class="no"

      allWrap = <li>|</li>


    CUR < .NO

    CUR = 1

    CUR.ATagParams = class="act"

    IFSUB < .NO

    IFSUB = 1

    IFSUB {

      doNotLinkIt = 1

      subst_elementUid = 1

      stdWrap.cObject = COA

      stdWrap.cObject {

        10 >

        10 = IMAGE

        10.file = {$lib.zmenu.imgFolder}{$lib.zmenu.collapseImg}

        10.altText = Click to open

        10.titleText = Click to open

        10.params = align="top" id="zmenu-{elementUid}-0"


      linkWrap = <A href="javascript:;" 
onmousedown="zmenu.foldMenu('zmenu-{elementUid}');return false;" 
style="cursor: pointer;cursor: hand;" class="no">|</a>

      allWrap = <li>|<ul id="zmenu-{elementUid}">

      wrapItemAndSub = |</ul></li>



    ACTIFSUB = 1

    ACTIFSUB.stdWrap.cObject.10.file = 

    ACTIFSUB.stdWrap.cObject.10.altText = Click to close

    ACTIFSUB.stdWrap.cObject.10.titleText = Click to close

    ACTIFSUB.stdWrap.cObject.10.params = align="top" 

    #ACTIFSUB.allWrap = <li>|<ul id="zmenu-{elementUid}" 


    CURIFSUB = 1

    CURIFSUB.linkWrap = <A 
onmousedown="zmenu.foldMenu('zmenu-{elementUid}');return false;" 
style="cursor: pointer;cursor: hand;" class="act">|</a>


  10.2 < .10.1

  10.3 < .10.1

  10.4 < .10.1

  20 = TEXT

  20.data = register:ifSubUidList

  20.postUserFunc = user_foldoutMenu->JSWrapper

  20.postUserFunc.prefix = zmenu

  20.postUserFunc.startFolded = 1

  20.postUserFunc.autoFold = 1

  20.postUserFunc.foldCurrent = 1

  20.postUserFunc.enableCookie = 1

  20.postUserFunc.imagePath = {$lib.zmenu.imgFolder}

=	["{$lib.zmenu.collapseImg}","{$lib.zmenu.expandImg}"]

  20.postUserFunc.altSwap =	["Click to open","Click to close"]

  20.required = 1


// --- CSS Styles start ----------------------

page.CSS_inlineStyle (

	#menuz {width: 160px;font: normal normal normal 11px/13px Arial, Helvetica, 

	#menuz ul {list-style: none;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;}

	#menuz ul ul {display:none;}

	#menuz A.no, #menuz A.act {color: #000000;text-decoration: none;}

	#menuz A.act, #menuz A.act:hover { font-weight : bold;}

	#menuz {border-top:1px solid black;border-right:1px solid 
black;border-left:1px solid black;}

	#menuz A {display:block;border-bottom:1px solid #005073;padding: 3px 5px 
3px 5px;}

  *html #menuz A {width: 100%;} /* IE */

	#menuz UL IMG {margin:2px 3px 2px 0px;}

	#menuz UL UL IMG {margin-left:6px;}

	#menuz UL UL UL IMG {margin-left:12px;}

	#menuz UL A {background: #0191cc;}

	#menuz UL A:hover {background: #80c8e6;}

	#menuz UL LI UL A {background: #3ebcef;}

	#menuz UL LI UL A:hover {background: #9fdef7;}

	#menuz UL LI UL LI UL A {background: #8dcff3;}

	#menuz UL LI UL LI UL A:hover {background: #c6e7f9;}

	#menuz UL LI UL LI UL LI UL A {background: #aee1fd;}

	#menuz UL LI UL LI UL LI UL A:hover {background: #ebf7fe;}


// --- CSS Styles end ------------------------

In de rest van de setup wordt het menu hier aangeroepen.

# Substitute the ###menu_1### subpart with dynamic menu:

subparts.menu_1 < zmenu

Als ik daarbij  subparts.menu_1 > lib.zmenu doe , zie ik helemaal niks.
Als ik hier subparts.menu_1 > zmenu doe , krijg ik een wel een soort menu 
maar met menukeuze-1 , menu-keuze-2 enz.

Hoe krijg ik het foldoutmenu aan de praat ??

Groetjes en alvast bedankt,


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