[TYPO3-UG Dutch] Gmenu wordt niet weergegeven

typo3 at net-products.nl typo3 at net-products.nl
Fri Feb 24 13:08:29 CET 2006

Een newbie op typo3 gebied. Kan iemand mij helpen? Zit al geruime tijd te
experimenteren met onderstaand script.

Wat doe ik fout??? Indien ik werk met TMENU, gaat het wel. Het script is
dan uiteraard wel anders

Alvast bedankt,


Stap 1 is de auto parser
Stap 2 is
# Main TEMPLATE cObject for the BODY
temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.mainTemplate {
    # Feeding the content from the Auto-parser to the TEMPLATE cObject:
    template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
    # Select only the content between the <body>-tags

    # Substitute the ###menu_1### subpart with some example content:
    subparts.menu_1 = IMAGE
    subparts.menu_1.value <  temp.gmenu
    #subparts.menu_1.file = fileadmin/template/main/images/button.gif

    # Substitute the ###content### subpart with some example content:
    subparts.content = TEXT
    subparts.content < styles.content.get
    #subparts.content.value = HALLO

# Main TEMPLATE cObject for the HEAD
temp.headTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.headTemplate {
    # Feeding the content from the Auto-parser to the TEMPLATE cObject:
    template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
    # Select only the content between the <head>-tags
    workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_HEADER

# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.typeNum = 0

# Copying the content from TEMPLATE for <body>-section:
page.10 < temp.mainTemplate

# Copying the content from TEMPLATE for <head>-section:
page.headerData.10  < temp.headTemplate
En Stap 3
temp.gmenu = HMENU
temp.gmenu.1 = GMENU
temp.gmenu.1 {
  NO {
    wrap = <a class="t3menu"> | </br>
    XY =100,32
    5 = IMAGE
    5.file = fileadmin/template/main/images/button.gif
    10 = TEXT
    10.text.field = title
    #10.fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/Agent_Orange.ttf
  RO < NO
  RO = 1
  RO.10.fontColor = #FFFFFF
  RO.5.file = fileadmin/template/main/images/button.gif

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