[Typo3-UG Dutch] New version of Direct Mail | Translation
AlterNET Internet BV | Ric van Westhreenen
ric at alternet.nl
Tue Jun 29 11:37:16 CEST 2004
Hi Andrea,
You can send me the texts / words etc. and I can translate it in Dutch.
<quote who="Andrea Leutgoeb">
> Hey guys!
> During the work on my diploma thesis, I extended the Direct Mail
> extension. Beyond the present features, my version also contains
> functions for statistical analysis of sent mails and recipients like
> personalized analysis of click throughs, recipient behavior,
> subscriptions etc. Its only implemented in English and German right
> now, so before adding it to the extension repository, I wanted to ask if
> there was a need of a Dutch version (unfortunately I dont speak Dutch).
> So if anybody is interested and wants to contribute (that means
> translation of a list of labels from English/German to Dutch), just get
> in contact with me and I will give you more information.
> Best wishes from Austria,
> Andrea
> University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg/Austria
> Mediatechnology and -Design
> http://mtd.fh-hagenberg.at
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Met vriendelijke groeten, kind regards,
drs. Ric van Westhreenen
AlterNET Internet BV
Dolhuisstraat 8-10
3311 VE Dordrecht
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