[TYPO3-UG Australia] typo3 3.8.1 - 4.0 - pages disappeared

remji at iinet.net.au remji at iinet.net.au
Wed May 17 13:19:31 CEST 2006

Hi Cate,

> extensions being the thing needing symlinks...

Don't think that is correct. The .tgz distribution of Typo3 contains 
symlinks where the .zip distribution achieves the same effect with 
duplicate files. In other words, it's Typo3 that needs the symlinks or 
duplicate files, irrespective of any extensions. There is a good 
explanation of this in the Installation and Upgrade manual.

> and don't have shell access the host either 
> (which I gather I might be needing)

More likely than not you don't need shell access to set your symlinks. You 
can set your symlinks with PHP scripts. This is a script that I used to 
set the typo3_src symlink:

exec('ln -s ../t3/typo3_src-3.8.0/ typo3_src');
echo readlink("typo3_src")."<br />";

Always first remove the existing symlink with unlink(). Then set the 
symlink with exec('ln -s ') or with symlink(). E.g. 
  exec('ln -s ../t3/typo3_src-3.8.0/ typo3_src'); 
should be the same as 
  symlink("../t3/typo3_src-3.8.0/", "typo3_src");

Set the symlinks in a hierarchical sequence, starting with the typo3_src 
symlink. Trying to set all the required symlinks in one script often 
doesn't lead to the desired result. Probably a timing issue.

NB: The examples above are correct for the directory structure I used. 
Mutate mutandis!

Hope this helps,


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