[Typo3-typo3org] documentation.typo3.org

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Wed Apr 13 21:12:36 CEST 2005

Hi Robert
>  - extension and documentation will be uploaded to different servers
>    (TER / documentation.typo3.org or call it TDR?)

The technique is not important. Documentation should be able to
viewed *both* from the extension it belongs to *and* from a more
general documentation web site!

Remember we also have documentation that has no related
extension (program code)!

>  - the documentation site generates multiple formats automatically

Yes, maybe from a better "source" (DocBook)?

>  - how can we keep or improve usability on the typo3.org site?
>    it would be a weird browsing experience to search the extension
>    on one site and read the documentation on the other. 

This *is* important. See above. We also have to consider the
wiki/timtaw idea. Documents could be edited online...

>  - what can we learn from other projects?

We have to find a project with a lot of documentation to learn
from. The amount of documentation is very important when we
decide how to manage it.

>  - how can we mirror the documentation site? I suggest mirroring only
>    the *end-product*, ie. the html, pdf, xml, sxw files, and not let the
>    mirror sites render these formats from the source format

Dont forget versioning and wiki/timtaw...


- We need documentation versioning
- It has to be easy for developers to make documentation
- ...but we also have to have a good documentation format/tool
for more proffessional document writers.
- Maybe we need to "split" documentation between some
core/official documentation (Getting started, Install / upgrade,
Typo3 TS and API doc etc) and the extensions documentation?
- Not only the author, but also the docTeam should be able to
manage at least some of the documents.

/Peter Kindström

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