[TYPO3-team-templavoila] Create new content elements with templavoila is not possible

Burkhardt Wenzel burkhardt.wenzel at xmental.de
Wed Feb 8 11:20:16 CET 2012

Hey all,
there is a strange problem concerning to create new content elements
in the backend of TYPO3, the right frame is empty.
Klicking on the button "new content element" calls the function

Following things were done without fixing the problem:
Upgrading from a recent version of templavoila to the latest version:

- Delete all German umlauts from templates
- update all mappings

With SQL to fix the problem of changing the field templatemapping 
successfully from MEDIUMTEXT into MEDIUMBLOB:

UPDATE tx_templavoila_tmplobj SET   = 
convert(CONVERT(CONVERT(templatemapping USING utf8 ) USING BINARY) USING 
ALTER TABLE  `tx_templavoila_tmplobj` CHANGE  `templatemapping` 
`templatemapping` MEDIUMBLOB;

- TYPO3 4.5.11
- Templavoila 1.6.1
- Static Info Tables 2.3.0

Hints are welcome
Thx a lot and have a nice day

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