[TYPO3-team-templavoila] RFC: #8079 - Feature - Possibility to skip TCEforms when adding a new FCE
info at tolleiv.de
Mon Oct 19 08:47:08 CEST 2009
This is an SVN patch request.
Type: New feature
Bugtracker references:
After the user created a new FCE he's always directed into the TCEform
to edit the new record again. In some situations there's no need to edit
the record (e.g. if the FCE is only some kind of grid).
As suggested by Benjamin the attached patch provides the possibility to
modify this behaviour with the "noEditOnCreation" within the meta
section of the datastructure.
This setting can also be overwritten within the localprocessing field of
the template-record.
Additional information:
Dmitry´'s comment within the issue says that it would be nice to provide
a user-interface within the mapping-module. At the moment there's no
place were I could add this settings in the interface. I'd suggest to
implement this feature and discuss the interface-related idea's in
another feature.
Tolleiv Nietsch
www.tolleiv.de - www.aoemedia.de
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