[TYPO3-team-templavoila] 1.4 release...

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Fri Nov 20 00:02:11 CET 2009

Hi Tolleiv,

yeah, we should collect all issues in next week, look for open bugs.
Also we need to review patches of the others to get them in.

One issue that i had in the experimental TV is to change the trash icon 
for "unlink" element. it's the one that is most contra to other modules, 
as a trash icon always is used for delete action.

I will work on the "classic" new element wizard to use the one in core, 
and make patch for this one to make it possible.

We should concentrate on bugfixes amd consistentce. i always talked to 
Xavier fpr DBAL issues.

There is a general issue that bugs many users since a long time but 
difficult to reproduce as it happens only sometimes - while mapping it 
loose eg header data settings. I think there is one buggy action that 
empty variables or session data, i will try to detect.

I also run TV on 5.3, but most issues are fixed.

Lets work together to get 1.4 out (we are in a better position as we can 
make bugfix releases in shorter.

Dmitry what is your plan and time budget? Would be cool to get a skype 
conference session.

vg Steffen

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