[TYPO3-team-templavoila] RFC: #12564: Localization view overlaps labels and doesn't align

Tolleiv.Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Tue Nov 17 19:45:45 CET 2009


Niels Fröhling schrieb:
  >  To prevent that you think up the same things we thought up allready,
> you may "join the crew". I can't believe you have run the version 
> Steffen was given you a link for, otherwise the question would be 
> different.

I tried but it wasn't running in 4.2 or 4.3 for me ... unfortunately I 
forgot to respond. I know Steffen's solutions from the T3DD09 and I know 
that he has some solutions pointing in that direction.

I'm a bit confused what "crew" you're talking about - if there's a 
layout / UX related discussion for TV we should have it here and not 
within more or less diverted forks or even in non-public Emails.

>  I for example was a bit disturbed to find you fix the prototype-id-bug 
> again, after I allready provided a fix for it 4 months ago and also 
> hinted the topic to feeditadvanced. Made me feel like a crazy professor 
> that they simply ignore the topic because they are now using extJS, as 
> if that would make the XHTML any more valid ...

And why didn't you share it in this list? I'm sure you know pretty well 
how bringing patches to TV works these days and if I didn't get him 
totally wrong Dmitry invited everyone to contribute bugfixes. I don't 
want to offend you anyhow because I know that you already worked on 
lot's of TV related topics but they're not really visible for me at the 

I try to help whenever I can, but I've also only reduced free-time - I 
guess you know the list of problems open-source developers have - that's 
why I try to fix everything which seems to be relevant - if you find 
other stuff relevant go ahead and provide patches.


Tolleiv Nietsch
www.tolleiv.de - www.aoemedia.de

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