[TYPO3-team-templavoila] Caching of xml2array during rendering
Niels Fröhling
niels.froehling at adsignum.com
Wed May 27 18:25:12 CEST 2009
Steffen Kamper wrote:
> hi Daniel,
> Daniel Pötzinger schrieb:
>> Pls see patch.
>> It caches the parsed xml in a seperate "_cache" field. Since it used
>> the "tstamp" to check the cache it should be completly transparent and
>> increases performance a lot (since xml2array tooks quite 50% of
>> rendering time)
> do you have some profiling data? I believe it's more fast but would be
> interesting to see the factor.
> I will test it on my local machine too.
Here are three cases:
all caches cleared (sections, pages, config, all!)
./pprofp -U -O 50 ./cache_clean_all.prof
only the page-cache cleared
./pprofp -U -O 50 ./cache_clean_pages.prof
running with full cache
./pprofp -U -O 50 ./cache_full.prof
All three cases are with logged in FE-user and BE-user (with admin panel
active, but all modules closed). The TV-version used has three levels of
inheritance (so walks rootline, all flexs and merges XMLs). The profile runs
with xcache as zend-extension.
Based on the evaluation I like to dispute the positive effect of the patch,
and would not agree to sacrifice database-space for microseconds of win. I also
suggest that the additional workload of mysql + the runtime of unserialize may
turn out slower than xml2array.
> vg Steffen
BTW: You can use the data to identify quite some other bottlenecks in T3-Core. ;^)
BTW2: TV->parseValues is not slow by itself, it's the TS-engine which sinks
the ship. I can provide logs without child-time included.
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