[TYPO3-team-templavoila] New tagicons

Niels Fröhling niels.froehling at adsignum.com
Fri May 22 01:11:45 CEST 2009

Tolleiv Nietsch wrote:

> I like them - especially within the HTML-View it seems to improve 
> usability. Did he also provide a screen for the Visual mode?
> I wonder what the different colors indicate.

  The colors are associated with a functional-grouping of HTML-tags. 
Form-elements are rose, tables are orange, inline are brown and so on.

  I suggested to Jigal to take these groups:

	var $tagProfiles = array(
		'' => '',
		1 => 'body,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div,hr,p,pre,blockquote,address',
		2 => 'abbr,acronym,br,em,font,span,link,strong,b,u,i,code,cite,q,dfn,ins,del',
		3 => 'form,fieldset,legend,input,select,label,textarea,button,optgroup,option',
		4 => 'area,map,a,img,object,embed',
		5 => 'table,caption,tbody,thead,tfoot,tr,th,td,colgroup,col',
		6 => 'dl,dt,dd,ol,ul,li'

  To match the filter-option of the preview.


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