[TYPO3-team-templavoila] Delete Button within Page-Module...
Tolleiv Nietsch
info at tolleiv.de
Sat Jul 11 20:30:23 CEST 2009
I just saw that there's already some code which seems to enable to
delete content elements within the Page-Module (instead of just
unlinking them).
I'm not sure if you had a discussion on that earlier, I just wanted get
some comments on the idea before I start to write a patch for that. So
would you also like to have a "delete" icon within the page-module?
Maybe this should be configurable and the default behavior would only
change if configuration exists (User-TSConfig or Page-TSConfig).
I think Steffen also already had this functionality within his
"playground"-version of the page-module.
So any comments?
Best regards,
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