[TYPO3-team-templavoila] RFC: #2081: Using static DSes for Page and FCE

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Dec 30 13:06:17 CET 2009


This is an SVN patch request.

Type: bugfix

Bugtracker references:

trunk, 1_4

Currently only dynamic (i.e. database-based) DSes can be used for 
FCE/Page. It limits Page/FCE in a number of ways. For example, designer 
may want to supply HTML template with ready DS for page/fce. Or he may 
prefer to edit DS in a standalone XML editor, which is much more 
convinient than TEXTAREA.

I suggest to make it possible to use file-based DSes for Page and FCEs. 
These DSes should not be editable by typo3. They can have a new meta 
like <dsType>page</dsType> or <dsType>fce</dsType>.

Currently I modify DSes in a standalone editor (add/change typoscript, 
etc) and have to copy/paste all the time. It would be much better if 
DSes for page/FCE could be stored in files.

The patch completes the staticDS implementation. It also allows create / 
modify DS/TO in mapping module, reads FCE for new content element wizard 
The patch also integrates a wizard in EM for converting existing records 
in static files, converting page/tt_content and TO records for usage 
static DS.

As DS records have the possibility to add a beLayout file you now have 
the possibility in the ds file folder:
Main template (page).xml   # DS file
Main template (page).gif   # preview icon
Main template (page).html  # beLayout file

I atttached the screenshot of the conversion wizard, but the screen has 
some errors in text which has been corrected in attached patch. Texts 
are proofreaded by Jeff, thanks for that.

vg Steffen
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