[TYPO3-team-templavoila] RFC: #6378: When mapping to <div class="some a"> TV thinks it's an <a> tag

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat Dec 26 15:38:18 CET 2009


This is an SVN patch request.

Type: bugfix

Bugtracker references:

trunk, 1_4

In an HTML template file I have some DIVs called like:

<div class="portal a"></div>
<div class="portal b"></div>
<div class="portal c"></div>

Now, when mapping the the first two ones (a and b) both times TV will 
think it is an <a> or a tag. In the mapping overview TV shows it as 
those tags. But everything works fine. So it is really just a minor 
issue but leads to some confusion at first.

The third one (c) will map just as expected as there is no valid HTML 
tag <c>.

It's not a minor issue as the mapping will be broken. The split by space 
char brings a wrong path string.

Replace spaces in class=".." by a placeholder (~~~) and rereplace this 
in output of mapping module.
Tested with many CSS classes in container, also with mapping to 
attribute, all works fine.

vg Steffen
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