[TYPO3-hci] Comments from T3QC for Kasper and Lasse propositions

Patrick Gaumond patrick at typo3quebec.org
Thu Oct 19 04:42:50 CEST 2006

Hello dear HCI friends,

Tonight we had our TYPO3 Québec meeting (T3QC) and I presented both 
Kasper and Lasse ideas to the group. It was informal and I just tried to 
get quick feedback from people that never saw the new propositions but 
know very well the 4.0 BE.

Both propositions:
1. Less frighting interface to propose to new clients.
2. Reassuring interface.
3. BE must stay fluid (fast rendering).
4. Great that it removes the left frame.
5. Good that it removes frames.

Kasper proposition:
6. Shortcuts (big icons) stole too much space.
    Suggestion: Create Shortcut menu instead
7. Clipboard menu could be added.

Lasse proposition:
8. Web app should behave like web app.
9. Since there was no big icons, the top menu was almost perfect looking.
10. The gray menu is a bit invisible in Firefox. May be dependent on the 
skin or OS tough. Kasper's has a black line that help a bit.

Also two comments not related to what was showed popped up:

11. Actions are misunderstood and should be integrated for a wizard, or 
shortcut menu.

12. The list module is the most difficult module to grasp for clients.

Overall, the reaction was pretty good and the good old question about 
the pre-4.1 BE interface was asked and I told them that yes the 
"classic" BE would be available for a long time...

It looks like the BE renovation is on a good track!


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