[TYPO3-hci] backend interface

Jens Wolters shocktone at gmx.de
Tue May 23 11:25:04 CEST 2006

Hi guys,


When developing websites with typo3 Im really fast with TV and the whole
Template concept. 

What really costs a lot of time is to customize the Backend. Most users
don't need all the features of the standard typo3 BE.

Configuring the whole thing with TS is just to time consuming und confusing.
So most of the time I leave way more features turned on than necessary.


I have the dream of a solution like this.

If logged in as an admin. You have a Button like "configure Backend panel
for usergroup x (dropdown)  ". If you click this button you have a little
check box next to each BE element (I don't mean content)

You just check which elements you need or don't need. The order of elements
can be changed with simple drag and drop functionality.


I don't know if this is possible at all. So Im really curious about your


Greetings Jens





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