[TYPO3-ect] TYPO3-team-extension-coordination Digest, Vol 93, Issue 1

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Sat Jul 12 01:38:59 CEST 2014


On 11-7-2014 15:58, Fedir RYKHTIK wrote:
> It looks, like the mentionned project is absolutely not active on GitHub.
> I suggest You to show some coding on Github first.
> Make a repository, do whatever You need, make the buzz on Twitter
> about new functionalities.
> Publish link here. It will be more easy to get positive answer from the author.

Can you explain a bit which project you refer to and what you need from 
the Extension Coordination Team?

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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