[TYPO3-ect] Sonar for Extension not up-to-date

Thomas Hucke thucke at web.de
Thu Aug 14 19:36:15 CEST 2014

Hey guys,

thank you a lot following this topic to get a solution.
I appreciate very much this service. It provides great support to build good 
code even for not so experienced developers.

I'll be patient knowing that most of you got other jobs to do as well.

Keep on rock'in

"Michael Schams"  schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1340.1408010127.540.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.typo3.org...

On 12/08/14 07:25, Andy Grunwald wrote:

> And honestly, i can`t say "this will be running next week again" right
> now, because i didn`t had a look at this since a long time.
> But i am interested in this and maybe we can get this up and running 
> again.

I would be very disappointed if this service would disappear! :-(

> I think if we / i got an overview we will clarify the situation on the
> mailinglist / in a news post to decide if this service will be continued
> or closed or if there will be a substitude (like travisci or
> coveralls.io or something).

If you tend to shut down this service, please contact me [1]. Maybe we
can discuss if there are any options of support to keep
metrics.typo3.org alive or to take it over to somewhere else?

> If you got any kind of question you can write me an email to
> andygrunwald at gmail.com

I just did: CC'd you in this public post :-)


[1] see http://schams.net for contact details 

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