[TYPO3-ect] Bypass TYPO3 dependency check

Thomas Loeffler loeffler at spooner-web.de
Wed Oct 2 12:01:31 CEST 2013

Hi Michael,

as you can see (http://forge.typo3.org/issues/51703), we know the problem and are working on it.
You're right that all extension upload possibilities should work consistently with the requirements published in the TER cleanup initiative.
I wrote the extension owner of the extension "extension_uploader" to fix it, because the error message you get for wrong dependencies is not clear enough for the users.

I will let you know here in this topic when the patch is live and it works the right way. Just be patient for a few days and use the "old" dependency field in your ext_emconf.php as well. 
Until now only the old way is checked.


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