[TYPO3-ect] Statistics: TYPO3 extensions without a TYPO3 dependency setting (Apr/2013)

Michael typo3ml at schams.net
Sat Apr 13 21:20:16 CEST 2013

Hi guys,

sorry - I could not respond earlier... I was overseas on my holiday.
I just want add one small but important thing to this conversion.

On 06/04/13 20:38, Elmar Hinz wrote:

> As the numbers provided by Michael show, it's a minority bothering to
> set up versions at least one time.

That's definitely right and to be honest, this worries me, too. This is 
one of the reasons why I publish these stats :-) But an expectation is, 
that we see an improvement over time.

> Expecting them suddenly to update versions multiple times a year?

Please keep in mind, we are talking about "classifying" extensions, 
only. The aim is to identify (classify) unmaintained extensions, not to 
delete any extensions or remove them from the TER. Taking this into 
consideration: yes, I think it is reasonable for an extension developer 
to update his/her extension two times a year - I call this "maintenance".

If an extension developer decides not to release an updated version from 
time to time (or does not at least increase the dependency setting), it 
is also legitimate to classify his/her extension as "unmaintained" 
(because this is simply a fact) and - as a consequence - allow 
Integrators to filter these extensions when they search for extensions 
in TER or EM or wherever.

> It should be the useres that report, if an extension works for a new
> version. They have the motivation to do so. That feedback would leed
> more devolpers to update the extension.

I agree with you, Elmar: I think it is a good idea to enable Integrators 
(and the community) to report incompatibility issues in an easy 
way. However, it should be the responsibility of the developers to 
define the TYPO3 dependencies of their extensions, not the users'.

> This would requiere to fetch up the feedback exectly at the point, where
> the useres try to install the extension, that is directly in the
> extension manager.
> A feedback button could send feedback if it breaks or works.

A very high risk, that, if an extension does not work for whatever 
reason, users simply click this button - even if the problem is not an 
incompatibility issue. But this is another discussion I suspect.

What I wanted to highlight in this email is, that no extensions will be 
removed or deleted from the repository by the TER Clean Up process!
In other words: even if the TYPO3 dependency is *not* defined or does 
not match the TYPO3 version, users can access them, download them, 
install them, etc. (by simply disabling the filter).


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