[TYPO3-ect] ext registration: name/description

Georg Ringer mail at ringerge.org
Wed Oct 12 08:21:17 CEST 2011


Am 12.10.2011 00:19, schrieb Michael:
> I wonder what the purpose of these data is (name, description) and where
> this is used again?

nowhere used but I guess it is just for general information.

> My understanding is that all information about an
> extension shown at TER and in the EM come from the file "ext_emconf.php"
> which is created/updated when you transfer/install the ext.


> I also wonder how you can edit the data entered afterwards. Sometimes
> the scope changes during development, another name should be assigned
> or you want to correct a typo.

you can just remove the key and I *guess* you get it back again ;)


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