[TYPO3-ect] Remove obsolete extensions from TER

Sebastian Gebhard sebastian.gebhard at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 14:50:14 CET 2009

95% agree.

But obsolete does not neccessarily mean that an extension is totally crap. E.g. I wrote an extension 
that creates ARP-Classes for Database tables[1], which is kind of a model object. With the release 
of 4.3 i might set my extension to obsolete because i recommend using extbase instead. However i'd 
still maintain it with minor bug fixes and security fixes if needed for those who use it with 4.2.

This is just one example. Of course a huge part of the obsolete extensions will never be useful 
anymore, but it might be wrong to remove all.

[1] http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/createarp/current/

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