[TYPO3-ect] xajax and xajax-tutor - post in dev english german and forums

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Sat May 16 22:31:44 CEST 2009

Hello Joerg,

Elmar said long before he quit, that he just wanted to lead the group
until the end of 2007. I don't know why he doesn't answer emails, but he
is doing what he said.

Some time ago we talked about extensions without maintainer. Here's our

- you don't need to find somebody for scriptaculous because it's now in
/typo3/contrib/scriptaculous . You can set it to deprecated and upload
it again.
- you can find a maintainer for xajax and the tut
- Stephen Kamper can transfer the extkey to the new maintainer

Daniel Brüßler

> Daniel Bruessler schrieb:
>> Hello Joerg,
>> thanks for your long time caring about xajax!
>> please post also in dev, english, german, and maybe also on one of the
>> german forums.
>> why: the ect-newsgroup is just read by about 5 persons what already have
>> a big todolist. I know beginners of TYPO3 like to have an interesting
>> task to care about - they just don't know the people who have to many
>> todos.
>> Cheers!
>> Daniel
>>> Hi,
>>> actually I have no time to maintain the above named extensions anymore.
>>> Also Elmar has left TYPO3 since 2008.
>>> If somebody would like to take over maintenance, please pm me or answer
>>> to this post for open discussion.
>>> Joerg
> Hi,
> ok.
> But there is another problem.
> There are actually the following extensions:
> - xajax
> - xajax-tutor
> - jquery
> - jsmanager
> - scriptaculous
> They all belong to the pseudo-user xajax, which was originally created
> by Elmar Hinz and he shared the password with me.
> However, I can't login anymore and the forgot-password-link sends out an
> email to where-ever.
> Also a direct email to elmar had no success.
> For jquery and jsmanager I found a new maintainer (also made the switch
> on forge).
> But I can't move all of these extensions to a new maintainer.
> Is there a process/group/person I can work with to solve this problem?
> Joerg

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